welll the cockpit enclosure is 99% finished. Oh JOY to be sure. Its a whole nuther room for us and where we spend most mornings and evenings and relaxing in between.
Our cat Gypsy has discovered it and Im nervous still but today she gets the harness on and if she is up with us she is going to be hooked on to her very own life line!
No chances. Lindsay will take her when she gets settled in at Charlotte which I hope is soon because if Barry gets this job in Jacksonville, its going to mean we sail there around the 15th of June.
I have such mixed emotions about Jax., but half are good and Im excited because its such a great city and half of me wants to stay here for a while. We go next week to check it out and Ill let my instinct rule. Barry feels the same way. We took his hat out of the ring for the Ft Lauderdale job because its just too far away from kids and family.
My dad came out of his open heart surgery well and was sitting up in the chair yesterday morning when I went to see him---24 hours later! imagine that! He ate stew and they had him walk several times. Amazing. Im so relieved he is well and that he will be feeling so much better soon and enjoying his birds and his dogs and cat. Mom is not looking forward to the recovery
at home but I think he will be a good patient for her. She is so relieved too.
Today Barry is going to dive on the boat using our new Hooka diving system. We have critters growing in places on the boat bottom that need to move along! they are clogging the drainage system and I cants use our galley sink! We are going to a friends boat for a boiled coastal dinner this afternoon=====muscles and clams and shrimp and sausage corn and the likes.
Too bad we can eat whatever it is that is growing on the bottom of our boat! It looks like brains and barnacles and things from another planet.
Well off to finish the coffee and get this diving thing going while the water is calm.
I can't believe I actually made it to your blog!!! Hope your Dad is still doing well and being a good patient, unlike another I know!!!
What news of Jacksonville?
Have you met any of the myriads of Irishmen that hae descended on Beaufort? We are all agog up here at the wild rumours that are flying about Roger Smith's plans for a state of the art show arena near Collinsville and Hwy 9. I'm not sure where it is but I guess it may back onto all his other property. A lot of people are pissed off at FENCE and the changes at the show grounds. Great congestion with trailers, no day parking - chaotic.
Tight sails.
Oh go ROGER! Its the American Way right? What changes at FENCE showgrounds??? Last time I rode it (our trail ride a few weeks ago) we left from private property---great ride by the way. Perfect day.
Daddy is doing really well. I told mom she was going to have to get a bypass and valve replacement just to keep up with HIM!
jacksonville is not going to work. No decent marinas for living full time. Cruising in and the back out of a marina is one thing but living there is another. We are so spoiled here. We are going to stay put for a while then maybe cruise in the winter.
Not sure if what you post here is private or if everyone can read it just a word to the wise.
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