Thursday morning.
First full day of non-employment (for me anyway)
Woke up at 7am, smiled to myself and the boat gently rocked me back to sleep.
slept till 8:45.
Barry walked the dogs while I made coffee.
We sat in the cockpit till just a few minutes ago watching the river and life go by.
No momma and baby dolphins this morning but the weather is so unbelievable
today and supposed to stay that way.
Barry is cleaning out the aft lazaret, so we can re-arrange stuff. We bought (online) state of the art
scuba equipment and it will get stored there. We will use it for scuba and cleaning the bottom of the boat which
needs to be done once a month in these waters. We were paying someone $100/month to do it, so this equipment
will pay for itself in a year plus no tanks to fill and schlep around.
I have an article coming out in Living Aboard magazine in the May issue and she has asked me to write another on our cockpit enclosure re-do.
He is going to Lowes and West Marine and Im going to organize stuff below.
The dawgs are happy campers and Gypsy has been her relaxed cat-self thru 3 different motel rooms, car rides in the carrier, and seems to really like the boat. She is one cooooool cat! Even the one plant I brought along (Aunt Carolyn sent me a mimosa
tree from the farm in Oklahoma a year before she passed) seems to love the boat. Its going to be an Oklahoma Bonsai Mimosa Tree.
Im going to try to give an update every few days to cut down on phone minutes, so unless you
have Verizon lets talk via e-mail. We check this address quite often and this will be our primary form of communication.
We wont go sailing for a few months.
I am attaching a picture of our new pantry which hides behind the settee.
Love Sami
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